Friday, March 12, 2010

Hi-ho. hi-ho, a new blog we go...

Looking for me? Head over to Sunshine Bursts and Giggles Galore. I think this is a much better fit!

A big move is coming...

I am tired of this blog and so rarely get to use it that I have lost my attachment to it. So be aware I will be working on a new location slowly as I get use of a computer. I am not sure what to name my new blog, any suggestions?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Seriously, updates!

I promise in the near future to update with photos and all that goodness. Till then my family and I are doing well considering all our transition and trying to learn to love my life and learn how to grow while semi-planted.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Twist and Turns of Life

Some how life doesn't go according to the plans I make for it. Usually for the best, but some what frustrating none the less. It would be nice for things to just "go my way" at least some of the time. The end of the road, did not come as expected or anticipated. 10 credits shy of passing one class Mister will have to stay on one more semester to finish up. Which means, we are close to the end of the road but some what stuck on the shoulder with a flat tire.

As for what to do next, we decided that the kids and I should head for home to my parents house for a few months to save that ever dwindling cash cow from starving while Mister works and studies for his class and his licensing test, the NCLEX.

It isn't quite what I had planned but it seems to be turning out alright. We, the kids and I, miss Mister something aweful. My heart aches every day to see him, but I know it is for the best. Everyone says the time will fly. I sure hope so. It is tough to be seperated from your best friend for so long. I should know too. I moved a lot as a kid. But the kids are having fun playing at Grandpa and Grandma's house doing all those childhood things that I did at my Grandparents house. So far we have managed to run in the sprinklers, make sidewalk chalk master pieces, explore a park near by, run wild around the house only having to check in with mom every so often, staying up late watching movies, and pestering the grandparents with the foibles of youth.

I am doing my best though to enjoy our bit of "vacation" away from the typical day of our normal life. There is adjustments in the sleeping arrangments as we are currently hanging out in my parents fifth wheel trailer. Nice accomidations though, just squishy with four small, rambunctious kids. Sleeping with toddler has also been tricky but we are slowly getting that sorted out too.

I do love the cooler evenings and the time chilling with my parents. The quaint little town they live in is a bit of fresh air from the busting, noisy, hot and crowded place we used to live. I don't live by the clock and that is awesome. Plus I have decided, this is a time to get a little bit of self discovery done to work out those kinks I don't find so flattering in myself. (This means, walking the track everyday for as long as I can.)

I am also trying to get used to sharing an internet updates will come as often as possible but not as often as I would like. Till then...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Riddle Me This

For the past couple of days the kids have been preoccupied with making up riddles for each other to figure out. Most of them are pretty much like the knock knock jokes kids make up. Silly to them, but kind of makes the grown up scratch their head. But today, I'm so proud, my 6 year old boy came up with this riddle all on his own.

What is milky, shaky, and hairy?

I'll tell you all tomorrow...think it over a bit.

UPDATE: the answer is.....a coconut. :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

Because I would Feel Bad

Have you ever debated something with yourself. Yep, not pretty. But I have finally won the argument to promote my other blog here for one short moment. The reasoning...well, I would feel bad if some of my closest friends and family didn't know that I was handing out freebies and then didn't include them. Just think ahead to the next reunion or get-together...yeah!!! awkward. ;-)

So without further excuses or meandering please come over to my art blog and give me some love! I am having a giveaway for $50 to my Etsy shop, Always Adorable Boutique. This goes for anything in my shop or even a custom order for something I don't have that you would like for me to make you. No purchase is necessary. But some good old fashioned 'word of mouth' would be greatly appreciated!

And I promise this will be the last thing I ask for this year...hopefully. :D

Well after this next request and then I am done.

I am also trying to create traffic over there with an unusal but fun weekly challenge. I called it Mix-It-Up Mondays Recipe Reviews. Basically it is about breaking out of the culinary comfort zone or not even so much, just to try a new recipe and give your thumbs up or down with some tidbits for others who would feel so inclinded to try it out.

There will be a Mr. Linky to connect your blog and bring people to your site as well if you so choose.

For the giveaway you can click HERE.

For the Recipe Review you can click HERE.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Sweet Things I Want to Remember

Jelly Beans gave me these sweet things today.

Grape juice burps,
Graham cracker breath,
After nap snuggles,
Memorizing Curious George is Curious,
Learning to say butter, maybe, 'cuse me, and how about.
Sweet smiles and silly games all wrapped up in her cute little self.

She also loves to say no, and have her way. The spirit and determination in this one is fierce hidden beneath her sweet, angelic exterior. That is what I love about her though. So strong for so little.

Monkey dressed herself without being asked today. Finally at 4 1/2 years later, she wants to dress herself. Can you hear the chorus of heavenly angels? This will also be the end of cute matching outfits for those of an eclectic bunch of attire. She loves to mix it up, "keep it exciting" in her words. She is proud of herself. (By the way, this photo was no coaxing...all Monkey!)

I love the look on her face when she remembers a phonics sound and how she easily uses her numbers now. With scribbling aspirations it will soon be on to writing. She did her own name yesterday all by herself. Now I am so proud.

She loves her sisters, even if one is the baby and wants to take every thing she has, or the older bossy one who frequently talks her out of what she has. But loves to be rough and tumble with her brother and get all dirty. Feisty this one is, but she still shares and loves to be kind. Things I hope always stay with her.

Darling Boy, what a conundrum for me. I love this boy more than life itself, yet I still have no idea what to with him. His boyish nature usually gets the better of him and he loves to tease his sisters and be roudy with them.

But then on the other hand, he can be such a gentleboy, holding doors and lifting things for his sisters and I because he wants to. He loves to sit and read his baby sister a good book every night and sing to her before she goes to sleep. He brings me fresh picked flower from the park and treasures he finds along the way.

He is doing such a good job challanging himself in school. Math and History are some of his favorites and how could I forget science! As he practices his writing it is becoming more refined. He makes perfect letters, in hopes that he too can learn cursive like Girly. Such a competitor this one.

Girly is growing up to fast for me. I don't see the little girl with pigtails much any more. She is growing so tall, slender, and pretty, inside and out. Everyone is worth being friends with, and she takes the time to include anyone who would like too. I love that she is generous and thoughtful. She works incredibly hard at the things she loves. Sewing and drawing take up alot of her spare time now. And one can never forget that she loves horses beyond reason! She can't wait to be big enough to help me "for real" in the kitchen using a knife, oven and stove. And I always find this girl with a book in front of her nose when she isn't doing the other bazillions of interests she has.

I realized that she and I will some day be friends like my sister and I are now. It made me appreciate her more for the girl she is in the present. What she learns now and discovers about herself are forming that future adult I will be friends with. Part of me can't wait to see how she takes the world by storm, but at the same time, boy do I want to hold on to this with both hands like my life depends on it. does. It is true, I will never feel like I got enough time savoring each child at each stage, because I wish for each stage to stay just a bit longer.